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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年04月17日 11:22 新浪科技




  在3GPP工作期间,正值IMS的发展阶段,他是3GPP TSG-CN的主席。同时,他也是3GPP和IETF的协调者。目前,他是3GPP TSG-SA的主席。

  Stephen Hayes received his B.S. from Texas Christian University in 1977 and his M.S for the University of Texas at Dallas in 1980. He is Ericsson’s manager for North American 3GSM standards within. He has served as the vice-chair of T1P1. Within the 3GPP he has served as the chair of 3GPP TSG-CN (Technical Specification Group - Core Network) during the development of IMS. He as also acted as the coordinator between 3GPP and the IETF. He is currently the chair of 3GPP TSG-SA which is the 3GPP system group.


GSA主席阿兰 海顿

  GSA主席阿兰 海顿,在移动通信领域的制造、管理、运营以及咨询等各个方面拥有18年的高级管理经验。在1988-1990年期间,作为贸易产业部产业顾问,其主要的工作就是协助并代表英国产业界观察电信规章以及标准在国际化层面上的影响。在One-2-One(现T-Mobile)工作期间,他确保了GSM1800标准在ETSI的标准化。他代表GSM协会的公司,主持多个集团组织包括欧洲的运营商集团。于1996-1997年,他还是UMTS论坛的副主席并兼任项目经理到2001年。


  Alan Hadden is President of GSA. He has 18 years' experience in senior positions in the manufacturing, regulatory, operator and consultative sectors of the mobile communications industry. As Industrial Advisor to the Department of Trade and Industry in 1988-1990, one of his key activities was to co-ordinate and represent UK industry views influencing telecommunications regulation and standardisation at national and international level. While working for One-2-One (now T-Mobile), he secured ETSI standardisation of the GSM 1800 standard. He represented the company at the GSM Association, chairing various groups including the European operators group. He was Vice Chairman of the UMTS Forum 1996-1997, and it’s Program Manager until 2001.

  An independent consultant since 1997, and a firm believer in the benefits of GSM, Alan accepted the challenge of being GSA's first President in 1998.


安德鲁 豪威尔

  安德鲁 豪威尔是摩托罗拉公司杰出的技术人员。自1991年开始,他就直接参与了GSM/EDGE和UMTS的标准制定并且从1989年开始就参与了蜂窝移动系统(网络和终端)的开发和建设。在加入摩托罗拉之前,他工作于多个命令与控制系统和无线电通信系统。从1991年到1995年,安德鲁获得ETSI的支持并且成为项目经理为ETSI SMG7项目负责。在3GPP期间,他作为3GPP TSG CN WG1的副主席,目前是3GPP TSG GERAN的主席。他在1979年获得威尔士工艺大学数学与计算机科学的学士学位。

  Andrew Howell is a 'Distinguished Member of the Technical Staff' at Motorola Inc. He has been directly involved with the standardisation of GSM/EDGE and UMTS since 1991 and has been involved with the development of cellular systems since 1989 (networks and mobiles). Prior to joining Motorola in 1989 he worked on several 'Command and Control Systems' and 'Radio Communication Systems'. From 1991 to 1995 Andrew was seconded to ETSI and worked as the Programme Manager with responsibility for the work of ETSI SMG7 (GSM/DCS 1800 Mobile Conformance Testing). Within 3GPP he has served as the Vice Chair of 3GPP TSG CN WG1 and is currently the Chair of 3GPP TSG GERAN. He obtained his BSc (Honours) degree in Mathematics and Computer Science in 1979, from the Polytechnic of Wales.


阿索克 查特杰

  阿索克 查特杰 博士在印度和加拿大完成了他的学业并从事电信业超过30年。他一开始是从事研发工作,之后他开始了本地与远程通信,卫星通信,无线通信包括蜂窝移动通信的事业当中。在他的专业生涯中,查特杰博士协助了从运营商,服务提供商到设备提供商等全球各大公司。

  阿索克 查特杰 博士是3GPP的创始人之一,他目前是3GPP PCG 的主席。

  同时,阿索克 查特杰博士也是爱立信公司战略标准化的副主席。

  Dr. Asok Chatterjee, on completion of his academic training in India and Canada, has been with the telecommunications industry for about 30 years. He started his career in Research and Development. Since then he has branched into a multitude of segments of the industry – local and long distance communications, satellite communications, wireless communications including cellular and specialized mobile radio. During his professional career, Dr. Chatterjee has been associated with the biggest name companies all over the world, from the operating companies and service providers to the equipment vendors.

  Asok Chatterjee was one of the founders of 3GPP – the organization that came into existence 7 years back and is still busy standardizing the evolution of W-CDMA-based third generation mobile wireless systems. He is currently the Chairman of its Project Coordination Group – the highest level operations-policy making body of 3GPP.

  Dr. Chatterjee is currently the Vice President of Strategic Standardization for the globally well known wireless and wireline equipment vendor – ERICSSON.



  佛朗哥科劳先生毕业于巴黎大学数据处理专业,自1985年进入GSM系统的诞生地法国电信研发实验室工作,一直专注于移动网络领域。经过2年在系统方面的国内学习后,他开始从事CEPT的GSM小组标准化工作。他进入PN并主要负责GSM3在法国巴黎的相关事务,随后该事务由CEPT转入ETSI,他一直担任负责人。科劳先生在1992年1月离开ETSI PT12并回到法国电信担任标准化协调事务的负责人,在此之间,他参与了SMG3 WPA, SMG3 系统架构和SMG10的建设。

  科劳先生于1996年8月加入阿尔卡特,现今在GSM和UMTS的系统领域工作并协调移动部门的标准化工作。其间,他被任命为SMG2的副主席、SMG2 WPA的主席和SMG2 ad hoc架构的副教授;同时被推举为SMG12的主席,管理GSM和UMTS所有架构方面的事务。


  他最近被重新选举为3GPP TSG RAN主席,负责UMTS无线接入网的规范化及演进,并在ETSI MSG委员会带领蜂窝网络的移动欧洲标准的细化工作。他现在任阿尔卡特移动通信集团移动部标准总监。

  Graduate from the Paris University in Data Processing, Francois COURAU has started to work on Mobile networks in 1985 entering the research laboratories from France Telecom where the specification for the GSM system were started.

  After two years of internal studies on the system aspects he started to work in standardization in the GSM group of CEPT.

  He joined the PN in Paris where he was mainly in charge of GSM3 activities. When the activity was transferred from CEPT to ETSI he kept the same position.

  He left the ETSI PT12 in January 1992 and came back to France Telecom Mobile where he was in charge of standardization activities’ co-ordination. He was participating inSMG3 WPA, SMG3 system architecture and SMG10.

  He joined Alcatel in August 1996 where he is currently working on Systems aspects for GSM and UMTS as well as coordinating the standardization for the Mobile sector. Meanwhile he was appointed vice chairman of SMG2 and chairman of SMG2 WPA and vice chair of the SMG2 ad hoc Architecture. He has also been elected Chairman of SMG12 in charge of all architectural aspects for GSM and UMTS.

  He was appointed in the Alcatel Technical Academy as a distinguished member in 2000. In 2002 he was nominated as a fellow member.

  He was recently re-elected as chairman of 3GPP TSG RAN responsible for the specification of the UMTS Radio Access network and its evolution as well as the ETSI MSG committee in charge of elaboration of the Mobile European Norms for cellular networks. He is currently Standard Director for the Mobile sector within the Mobile Communication Group in Alcatel


汉努 西塔拉提

  汉努 西塔拉提先生于1993年在诺基亚开始他的GSM设计工作。在九十年代末期,他不但领导诺基亚终端的GSM协议研发工作,并且参与ETSI GSM的标准制定工作。 在3GPP创立初期,他被选为TSG-CN WG1的主席。 在任职期间,他为3GPP标准的发展做出了积极的贡献。 在2005年他离开WG并获选为TSG CT 全体主席,负责3GPP,GSM,UMTS和IMS规范以及核心网和终端的开发事业。

  Mr. Hannu Hietalahti (B.Sc.) started his GSM career in GSM design work at Nokia in 1993. In the late 90's, additionally to heading the Nokia terminals GSM protocol stack development he also participated ETSI GSM standardisation. At the creation of 3GPP he was elected the chairman of the TSG-CN WG1. In that role he has been actively contributing to the development of 3GPP standards in both running the layer 3 signaling WG and drafting and reviewing technical contributions. In 2005 it was the time for Hannu to leave the WG in the hands of a new chairman when he was elected the chairman of the TSG CT plenary, which is responsible for the core network and terminal aspects of 3GPP GSM, UMTS and IMS specifications.







  Karl Heinz Rosenbrock has been the Director-General of the European Telecommunications Standards Institute, based at the ETSI Secretariat in Sophia Antipolis (South of France), since November 1990.

  He was born in Hermannsburg, Germany in June 1941 and studied at the Technical University of Braunschweig, from which he received the degree of Diplom-Ingenieur in 1967.

  He immediately joined the Deutsche Bundespost. Subsequently, he held the position of Head of Section for international switching at the Telecommunications Centre (FTZ) at Darmstadt. He then became project leader and Head of Section for the digitalization of the telephone network and the introduction of ISDN in the former Federal Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications in Bonn and then Head of Department back at the FTZ in Darmstadt for telephone and ISDN Technology, Planning, Operation, Testing and Services.

  Before joining ETSI he was Head of the Standardization Division of the Ministry of Posts and Telecommunications (BMPT) at Bonn.



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