细节抢先披露 Apple透露WWDC会议部分细节
http://www.sina.com.cn 2007年03月21日 00:00
Apple的全球开发者会议定于6月11号到15号在旧金山举行,这次会议聚焦于三个方面,其中就包括下一代的Mac OS X Leopard,它计划在本春季推出。
Apple全球开发者关系部的副主席Ron Okamoto表示,去年举行的Apple全球开发者会议有来自45个国家超过4000多人参加,预期今年将会有更多的人参加。
* Leopard Innovations. Transform your application with powerful new Mac OS X Leopard technologies.
* Mac OS X Essentials. Learn the essential ingredients needed to build world-class products for Mac OS X.
* Developer Tools. Reach new levels of productivity using ground-breaking development tools.
* Information Technologies. Learn to use, develop for, integrate, and manage Mac OS X Leopard and Mac OS X Leopard Server.
* Graphics and Imaging. Add advanced audio, video, imaging, and graphics capabilities to your application.
* Content and Media. Learn best practices for production and development of rich-media for desktop, devices and the Web.