SQL Server 2008的新标志

http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年06月18日 14:16  天极yesky


  微软在 TechED 2008 正式推出了 SQL Server 2008 的新标志 Logo。

  这个动态的网格状的新 Logo,是由微软 Server and Tools 部门下属的四种产品所共有的,而每种产品的标志 Logo 按照下列的颜色区分:

  IT Management - 蓝色

  Security - 绿色

  Application Infrastructure - 深红色

  Business Productivity Infrastructure - 深黄色


  Strengthen our connection with customers and partners

  Visually support key attributes such as “integration”, “innovation”, and “enterprise class”, which are important attributes for our customers and partners

  Provide customers and partners with an important visual distinction from Microsoft desktop software

  New category colors (“color coding”) were designed to make it easier for customers and partners to navigate our breadth offering and understand our solution-oriented categories

  SQL Server 家族产品和技术是属于 Application Infrastructure 部门的。

SQL Server 2008的新标志

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