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配置NIS集成 autofs 环境

http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年10月09日 21:08 ChinaByte


  NIS 管理域www.test.com

  NIS master server ip address: ,hostname:SUN-2

  NIS slave server ip address: ,hostname:SUN-1

  How to configure a NIS Master Server

  1、#cp /etc/nsswitch.nis /etc/nsswitch.conf

  2、#domainname www.test.com

  3、#domainname > /etc/defaultdomain

  4、#vi /etc/locale


  5、#vi /etc/hosts SUN-2loghosttimehost

  6、# vi /etc/auto_home


  7、#touch /etc/ethers /etc/bootparams /etc/netgroup /etc/netmasks.

  8、#vi /etc/timezone


  9、#vi /etc/dfs/dfstab

  share –F nds –d “home dirs” /export/home

  10、#/etc/init.d/nfs.server start

  11、#vi /etc/passwd

  (modify file from /export/home/lilien to /home/lilien)

  12、#ypinit –m

  In order for NIS to operate successfully, we have to construct a list of

  the NIS servers. Please continue to add the names for YP servers in order

  of preference, one per line. When you are done with the list, type

  a or a return on a line by itself.

  next host to add: SUN-2

  next host to add: SUN-1

  next host to add:^D

  The current list of yp servers looks like this:


  Is this correct? [y/n: y] y

  Installing the YP database will require that you answer a few questions.

  Questions will all be asked at the beginning of the procedure.

  Do you want this procedure to quit on non-fatal errors? [y/n: n] n

  OK, please remember to go back and redo manually whatever fails. If you

  don't, some part of the system (perhaps the yp itself) won't work.


  how to configure a NIS Client

  1、#cp /etc/nsswitch.nis /etc/nsswitch.conf

  2、#vi /etc/hosts loghost SUN-1

  3、#domainname www.test.com

  4、#domainname > /etc/defaultdomain

  5、#ypinit –c

  (when prompted for a list of NIS servers,enter the names of the NIS master

  and all slave servers)


  how to configure a NIS slave server

  1、#cp /etc/nsswitch.nis /etc/nsswitch.conf

  2、edit the /etc/hosts file to ensure that the NIS master and all

  NIS slave servers have been defined

  3、#domainname www.test.com

  4、#domainname > /etc/defaultdomain

  5、#ypinit -c

  (when prompted for a list of NIS servers,enter the names of the NIS master

  and all slave servers)

  (on the NIS master,ensure the ypserv process is running ,we can use

  #ps –ef|grep ypserv)


  7、#ypinit –s

  (if you did not add the name of the NIS slave server when you initially

  configured the NIS master server,you should run #ypinit –m once more on

  the NIS master server)


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