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http://www.sina.com.cn 2003年02月26日 18:49 网友

  2003-02-26 15:11:27网友:honghua_li2002发表评论

  Mr. Bill Gates,

  Pleased to see your arrival! Firstly I want to say:“thank you Sina”. You know Sina will report your all of journeys in China live, moreover it gives me
a chance to ask you.

  I am an engineer work in an appliance company. The same as lots of youngsters, I also have a pretty dream, that is become a successful man on career. Within two years after I graduated, I have tried my best to get something. Yes, though I know for me it is impossible to be a great business elite like you, however I would like to get some good experiences from you. Yes, how to start, how to keep on, and so on. Overall, talk to me and some young men about your experiences will make us taking an advantage in society, though we might have read some introductions of yours on magazines and newspapers.

  The 1st question is given out by me, sorry about my selfish ask. Obviously it is not the most important within my needs.

  In fact, the 2nd have already been focused on by everyone before your tour to China. That is, the future of Software Tech and your aim of coming to China. I believe you need not to answer this question directly, I can log on our Sina to get what I want to know. You see, Sina is a good website.

  The 3rd is the war will how influence your business. I know all entrepreneurs don’t like to fight, even talk war about a little bit. But your tax has been given to the battlefield! Sincerely hope you can answer these questions above. Welcome to email me at honghua_li2002@yahoo.com .

  A best tour in China

  Honghua Li

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