
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月05日 18:14  新浪科技





  摘 要


  The Anti-aging Effect of Celastrus orbiculatus Extract


  Xuefei Bai

  Senior Two

  No. 2 High School of East China Normal University


  Celastrus orbiculatus is a resourceful plant. It is expected to be explored as a novel drug, providing the theoretical basis of modernizing traditional Chinese medicine. To investigate the anti-aging effect of Celastrus orbiculatus extract, we employed the fruitfly as research material to study the life-span after the extract treatment. The results showed that the mean life-span and highest life-span of the treated fruitfly were longer than those of the control group. It indicated that Celastrus orbiculatus may possess the anti-ageing effect. For validating the biological effect of Celastrus orbiculatus, the longevity effects on the life - span of human diploid fibroblast and mice were also tested. In order to elucidate the mechanism of the anti-aging effect, we identified the compounds and conducted the research through individual level, cell level and gene level.

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