
http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年05月05日 17:41  新浪科技


  吉林省实验中学高三八班 王雨阳

  摘要 本课题旨在进一步研究地磁场形成及变化的原因和规律。从美国实施的“深度撞击”得到灵感,由南极洲上空旋转的同向涡旋云系受到启发,提出了地球外核同向多涡旋电磁叠加导致地磁场形成的新模式,并用6组模拟实验详细研究了地球壳幔转动突变对地磁场增强、减弱、倒转、极移、磁极的漂移的影响和非偶极子磁场的成因。



  A New Earth Magnetic Field Cause Pattern of the Same direction Multi-vortices in the Outer Core and Experimental Researches

  Earth & Planentary Science(Geophysics)

  Wang Yuyang Grade Three (Senior) Jilin Provincial Experimental Middle School

  Abstract: The key to the subject is to do a further research on the reason and law of the formation and changes of the earth magnetic field.Inspired by the “Deep Impact” conducted by America and the vortex clouds of the same direction which circle over the Antarctica.I put forward the Same direction arrangement pattern of the earth outer core indicating how the multi-vortices electromagnetic folding led to the formation of the earth magnetic field.At the same time,I used six groups of virtual experiments to do a detailed research on the increase,decrease,reverse,polar wandering of the earth magnetic field and the polar drifting, resulting from the turning and sudden change of the earth crust-mantle,the reason for the formation of the non- dipole field,

  The experiments indicate that the collision of the earth and other planets is the direct reason for the turning and sudden change of the earth crust-mantle. Under the influence of the viscous effect,it can cause the changes of the state of the outer core vortices resulting in the formation of the earth magnetic field.

  This research enriches the theory of the earth magnetic field further,and it gives a better explanation of the magnetic states of the eight planets in the solar system and also it gives a new explanation of the ancient creatures explosion.Meanwhile,it renews the thinking of the abnormal phenomena in the partial of the earth.It provides mankind with reference to protect the earth.

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