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http://www.sina.com.cn 2006年06月07日 15:49 IT168.com

  【IT168 资讯】本月5号,国外DailyTech网站报道因为富士康进入显卡市场,丽台将退出显卡市场,国内媒体也纷纷做了转载,不过经我们新闻中心联系丽台与富士康相关人员得到确认:丽台并未退出显卡市场。


Foxconn, one of Taiwan's ODMs, have confirmed their entry into the branded graphics card market, the company said today. However, the company's existing card partner, Leadtek, will not be leaving the card market, both Leadtek and Foxconn executives said.

According to reports, Foxconn's first card will be one co-designed with Nvidia, the GeForce7-series powered FV-N95M4D2-OD Nvidia SLI-ready model. Prices were not disclosed. The company also manufactures a line of AMD-compatible motherboards that will be marketed under its own name.

Both Foxconn and Leadtek representatives, however, denied reports that Leadtek would exit the graphics market. Foxconn has previously produced motherboards under the WinFast brand name, and the company has also provided the manufacturing for the Leadtek cards.

"According to our headquarters in Taiwan, Leadtek is still one of the major technological partners of Nvidia," said Isaac Poon, a spokesman for Leadtek. "There is no such thing as Leadtek exiting the graphics card market."


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