神奇自然 07英国野生生物摄影奖作品(上)(6)http://www.sina.com.cn 2008年01月10日 11:58 太平洋电脑网
The ice-hoppers Canon EOS 1D Mark II N + zoom lens at 115mm; 1/4000 sec at f8; ISO 400. Jackal catch Canon EOS D1 Mark II + Canon 600mm f4 USM lens and 2x converter; 1/1000 sec at f8; own-design car-support lens bracket with Wimberley head. Flight of the fishing bat Canon EOS 5D + 16-35mm lens at 26mm; 10 secs at f6.4; ISO 800; stroboscope flash; floodlights on boats; tripod attached to a post.
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